This is a tag, referred to in places where I still need to write something down. With it I can easily find notes that need my attention. If you’re reading this and you’re not me, you probably don’t need this, as this tag does not identify a topic, which is why this page is also not shown on the map.
…or maybe you’re particularly interested in something I’ve marked with TODO, in which case let me know and I’ll expand on that as soon as I can.
Notes mentioning this note
Being stateless
The practice of reducing the exclusive invovlement of something stateful in life’s everyday matters. The most frequent subjects of this...
First programming language
This question can come in many forms. “What programming language should I learn first?” Or “What programming language is trending...
Home automation
Most of the time home automation involves the use of computer-controlled hardware to do things around the house. How exactly...
I sometimes get compliments about how modern my household is. It’s still a mess, but I’d like to think that...